Thursday, September 28, 2006

Skippy of the Day: Jeanine Pirro

One of the major stories this morning concerned Republican Jeanine Pirro and some trouble she's having amidst her run for Attorney General of New York State:

Republican state attorney general candidate Jeanine Pirro said Wednesday she was under federal investigation for plotting to secretly record her husband to find out whether he was having another affair.

Pirro, speaking at a Manhattan news conference, said that any probe into her troubled marriage was "highly improper" but she had no intention of quitting her campaign.
Nothing special here. But I did enjoy this latter comment in the article:

She repeatedly said this was a personal matter involving her husband and charged she was the target of "an unethical, overzealous prosecutor with a partisan agenda."
Pirro is currently running for Attorney General only because she dropped out of a Senate race against Senator Clinton when her party realized she couldn't defeat Hillary. Now that she's not slinging mud anymore at the former First Lady, maybe the two should get together and chat about overzealous prosecutors with partisan agendas sticking their nose into politician's personal lives.

Apparently, Republicans have never heard of the concept until now.

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