Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The irrefutable logic of a wingnut

From CNN coverage of the tea bagging parties across the country (via Crooks and Liars):
Wingnut: He's a fascist.

Roesgen: Why do you say he's a fascist? He's the President of the United States. Do you realize how offensive that is?

Wingnut: I think he's a fascist.

Roesgen: Why?

Wingnut: Because he is.

Yeah, there's a true denizen of Dubya: Why go with reasoned argument and well-presented evidence when you can go with that gut feeling of yours. Hell, it worked in Iraq, didn't it?

It reminds me of my favorite Onion article. The picture of the counterpoint guy has that perfect look of Bill O'Reilly-esque smugness.

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