Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Keith David Quote of the Month: February 2005

"Platoon" was Keith David's second film role, and it's a prominent one. He plays King, one of the few soldiers that is civil towards the protagonist Chris, played by Charlie Sheen. And for his efforts, he' also one of the few lucky characters to end up unscathed at the end. At one point, he gives his basic view of life in Vietnam after Chris gives his own increasingly cynical view.
Chris Taylor: It's the way the whole thing works, people like Elias get wasted, people like Barnes just go on making up the rules any way they want. So what do we do? Sit in the middle and suck on it. We just don't add up to dry sh*t, King.

King: Whoever said we did, man? All you got to do is make it out of here. It's all gravy, everyday the rest of your life, gravy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Hella love Keith. Does a crapload of voicework for commercials and PBS narration -- a truly unmistakable voice. I remember him from Platoon but hadn't known till reading this today that it was only his second role, because it seemed that he'd been on screen forever, he'd done such a great job. The King quote I recall most clearly is his encouragement to Sheen in a quiet moment: 'Keep your dick hard and your powder dry, and the world will turn.' Thanks.